Each month we spotlight a different CrossFit 1710 athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow athletes and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit 1710 Community should be about.
Our January 2019 AOTM is Amber Cerrillo! She can be found sweating it out in the 4:45 pm class. We’ve watched this girl work hard from day one and make some amazing progress in her time with us. Get to know Amber a little more in her interview below. Congratulations Amber! We are thrilled to have you as this month’s Athlete of the Month.

My name is Amber, and I am devoted Crossfitter. I am also a full-time wife, unschooling mother of a 8 year old, I’m 4 months pregnant with my second child, and I’m a business owner. I’ve lived in Wharton for 11 years now. Being in shape and remaining physically active has always been important to me, especially as I get older. For years off and on I either would jog, create my own at home or track workouts, or go to the gym manage as best as I could with what I could remember for high school. I joined my local gym in 2012 and found myself committed to going off and on the entire length of my membership. I would go for a straight 5 or 6 months and slack off for 2 or 3 months and then pick it back up again and that is what my fitness life had become, off and on. Then, one day while sitting at the barber shop waiting on my son to get a haircut, I was chatting with the barber and his wife. They mentioned there was a guy in town named Jason, who coached something like CrossFit out of his garage called Lion’s Strength & Conditioning. They talked about how challenging the workouts are and how knowledgeable the coach was. I was super interest because it sounded just like something, I knew I need in order to really get serious about my fitness and make the changes I always wanted for myself. I always knew I could do more, and I knew I had more in me to do, it was just about surrounding myself with the right people and energy to accomplish this and to grow this beast that I knew was inside. I had become extremely bored with what I had been doing on my own for years. Even after signing up for private lesson at the gym I just wasn’t feeling it and found myself bored with the lack of variety, the small amount of time I was paying for to be with the personal trainer and the fact I only would see my trainer 2 times a week for 30 mins. So, the next time I found myself back in the barber shop I decided to ask for this coach’s information and see what this CrossFit talk was all about. I went home and started doing my research on CrossFit, strength and conditioning and scared myself half to death with all the warnings, stories written by others and of course some family and friends telling me “I heard that is bad for your body”, but that’s when I realized this was going to be for me. Risk, pushing myself to the limit, going so hard you think you just might die, and it all is paying off in the long haul… Yep I knew this was going to be my jam. Honestly, before I even showed up to my first class, I had a feeling that CrossFit was about to become a part of my life. I remember my first WOD, it was a 20min AMRAP teams of 2 (leap frog style) of KB swings, burpees box jump overs, and rope climbs (I did rope pulls). That was the day I learned how to do a proper CrossFit burpee (ouch) at the time the hardest part of the entire WOD. During this intense WOD a wicked thunderstorm rolls through just in time and we were out in the middle of it all. It didn’t stop us one bit! I believe the only thing coach change was we jumped on 45lb plates instead of the wooden boxes. I thought it was the coolest thing ever that no one really complained and just did the work, including me, I was there for it all. That was the first time I had ever done a workout like that and I thought several times I wasn’t going to make it to the end. When I got DONE I remember feeling so accomplished, strong and tired lol. I had one sip of the Kool aid and I was hooked like no tomorrow. So, I returned the next day for more, got another good workout in and when we were done, I sat down with coach and the other athletes and drank a low-calorie beer and signed up for an unlimited CrossFit (Strength &Conditioning) membership. That was September 29, 2017 and since that day the ride has been more than I could have imagined. I believe it was October I signed up for my first 5k in November and completed it. In the same month I signed up and committed to the Spartan Spirit which wasn’t until March 2018. The Spartan Race was something different than I had ever done before but was so much fun. That was another huge accomplishment for me. Never in a million years did I think I’d be running 4+ miles, rolling through what I am sure was mud and cow poop, climbing 30-foot cargo nets. When it was all said and done I had attempted 20+ obstacles and the obstacles that you couldn't complete there was a 30 burpee penalty. It was definitely a challenge and a thrill all at the same time. With me being such a free spirit, I’ve always been game to try majority of things at least once. One quote I love “try everything once and if you like try it twice”. In 2018 I also completed 2 partner competitions with some amazing women. My last comp in November of 2018, I found out like 4 or 5 days before I was just a few weeks pregnant too. That it was a cold and long day and completing that comp really meant a lot to me.
You know, since joining CrossFit I’ve learned so much, especially about myself. I’ve learned that I can do absolutely anything I want and put my mind to. I’ve learned to trust the process. I’ve learned that good things take time and I’ve learned that confidence is not necessarily a personality trait, it comes from the courage you have in going for the things you want and desire for your life. So far what I’ve enjoyed most about CrossFit is noticing how things that would mentally and physically break you down before are now fun and make you feel stronger
than ever. I also love how supportive and uplifting my CrossFit community is at CrossFit 1710. There is nothing like hearing your name being cheered on during that moment you are in the depths of the pain cave not sure if you have it in you to finish and or finishing up a WOD with someone to remind them they aren’t alone and regardless if you are first or last you are still doing it. The positive energy we all share is so real, and we feed off one another. So, as far as proudest moments I can’t say I have just one. I feel like I continue to surprise myself! If I had to pick a few I’d say achieving my first kipping pull-up, strict pull-up, handstand push-ups and being able to do RX burpees. I choose pull-ups because I stayed after every opportunity that was given or I created for myself to work on banded pulls and upper body strength, I was determined to be able to pull my body weight up to that bar all on my own. When I first started CrossFit, I started out with jumping box pull-ups and the thickest resist band coach had on hand. I remember thinking how strong I will have grown when I could do this with no help. So, I worked, and I worked at it and within my first year I achieved my first kipping pull up and completed a WOD with pull-ups in it with no band and within a 1.5 yr. I achieved my first strict pull-up and I was 14 weeks pregnant. I’ve yet to complete a WOD with strict pull-ups in it using no band, but I’m on my way. For me there is something empowering about a woman who can jump on bar and pull her body weight up and even more empowering when you have a baby growing inside you. As far as favorite movements I love them all because there is so much variety and you just continue to get better and better. Again, if I had to choose, I’d say pull-ups, handstand push-ups and burpees. I say those three because these were the 3 I clearly remember starting from the bottom and now I’m doing them with confidence and conviction and getting better. Handstand push-ups I started, just sitting on a box or bench doing dumbbell overhead presses, to be upside down off a box doing something like an upside-down push-up, to handstand hold on the wall, to where I am now; handstand pushups on the wall. I am not RX yet, but again I am on my way. Oh, and the once dreaded burpees I love them now because I really feel strength growth when doing them, they use to chew me up and spit me out. Now I can do 30 to 40 in a row when I need to (RX style).
I’d have to say through all of my achievement in CrossFit it came with some really difficult times for me that really impacted me is major ways. I’ve grown so
much from these difficult times. I’m serious and very aware of my technique and posture when doing anything, especially weightlifting. First, there was discomfort in my knee. I bought me some knee sleeves and kept on going to class no matter what and did what I could do. Then, both of my knees were pissed at me; and when I say pissed it was so uncomfortable they were swollen all the time, I could move the fluid build up around in them when I pressed on them, my jeans were even fitting tighter because I think my legs might have been swelling off and on as well. Just bending down to do every day things were awkward and painful. I just kept coach up to date, I went to the doctor, of course, everything checked out I’d did my own research on natural ways to reduce the inflammation and pain without taking naproxen or Ibuprofen everyday. Came across an organic turmeric tea (miracle tea) and started drinking that 2 to 3 times a day and it really helped me manage the inflammation. I also got me a foam roller to really dig deep in those muscle to loosen things up. Then, I hurt my back around mid-December of 2017 doing something at the box and I dealt with my back off and on for at least 3 to 4 good months. When I say my back was giving me hell, I would cry out of frustration at times because I wasn’t able to do and move like normal. Once again everyday stuff like showering, getting out the bed or even driving became a consist reminder that I was hurting and that I had no clue when I was going to feel better. One thing is I didn’t do was stop showing up to CrossFit class. Coach Jason was always there to help me scale anything I needed to in order to start and complete a WOD. I remember late January I was feeling good one Saturday morning WOD. My back was feeling about 90%, so I decided I was going to do a 55lb squat snatch to see how it felt. The first 3 were good and on the 4th on I lost my balance like I sometimes do, when attempting that movement, and fell directly on my tailbone. It of course jarred something in my lower back and put me right back to 30%, just like that. I was so upset with myself; it was unreal. So, called my chiropractor right then and made an appointment for later that day, I sat out of that day’s WOD because I was so disappointed with myself and the lack of patience I had with my back. I did stay and cheer the other athletes on, because that’s what we do. I guess what I am trying to get at it is that I never gave up on what I had and still do envision and desire for myself, which was and still is a stronger, happy, and healthy me.
Another part of my life I got serious about was the food I was feeding my body. I realized very quickly how important it is to fuel your body with good food. My 6-year-old son Gabe almost 2 years ago this June told me he wanted to be a vegetarian, so we started doing research of how to go about that lifestyle in a healthy way. A month later with all the information I came across I decided to follow in his footsteps and still to this day we follow a 90% to 95% pescatarian lifestyle meaning we mostly eat fish, vegetable, grains, and fruit. I also only drink nut milks as well. After completing the Whole 30 challenge with the coach and other athletes from the box and maintaining the pescatarian lifestyle I had already embarked on, that jump started a 50lb weight loss. Some of the best baggage I’ve ever shed in my life. Here I am today very proud to say that since I’ve started with CrossFit 1710 a new person has emerged and I love her. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant still Crossfitting 5 to 6 days a week with no plans of stopping anytime soon. I take it day by day, I listen very closely to my body. If God say the same, I’ll get a WOD in up until the day I go into labor and I’ll be back as soon as my doctor clears me, and my body says GO! CrossFit is for anyone willing to show up and do the work no matter what.
Happy CrossFitting,
Love Amber