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April 2019 Athlete of The Month: Heather Kalina

Each month we spotlight a different CrossFit 1710 athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. What is it that makes up an Athlete of the Month? It may not be the person that finishes the fastest, Rx’s every WOD, or gets a PR every time they walk in the gym. Although we love and celebrate when those things happen, the Athlete of the Month is made up of much more than physical ability. This person shows up, gives their best every time, and then gives a little more. They are hungry to learn and always ready to do the work. They support their fellow athletes and encourage them to reach their goals. This athlete embodies what we believe the CrossFit 1710 Community should be about.

Our April 2019 AOTM is Heather Kalina! You can find Heather in the 4:45 pm or the 5:45 pm class. She has quite the collection of Nobull shoes. She’s always got a great attitude no matter what is on the board, she’s just happy to be here. Come hang out with her and you’ll see why she’s our AOTM! Get to know Heather in her interview below. Congratulations Heather! We are thrilled to have you as this month’s Athlete of the Month

April 2019 Athlete of The Month: Heather Kalina

1. Tell us about yourself. My name is Heather Kalina, I’m 37 years old with an amazing family. The boyfriend-Corey, the kids- Madison and Cotton. I’m currently working for KGibson and haven’t been this happy and fulfilled with a job in years.

2. What made you start CrossFit? Prior to joining, I’d see Jason and Kaitlyn posting and sharing videos on Facebook and it looked like something I could do. Amber talked me into it one day while she was giving me eyelash extensions and I’ve been hooked ever since.

3. What have you learned since joining CrossFit 1710? Everything! I was NEVER athletic or involved in any sports so I’ve learned a lot just about the movements and proper way to approach each workout.

4. What do you find you enjoy most about CrossFit 1710 or CrossFit in general? I have loved working out since I started back in 2005. The difference between years of trainers and working out in the gym alone is that I’m actually seeing a change. I’m not just working out to work out. I’m working out to become a better athlete, a better mom, a better friend and a better person. I enjoy that CrossFit 1710 has helped me with all of this!

5. What is your proudest CrossFit moment? Honestly, I’m proudest that I keep coming back each day.

6. What is your favorite movement/lift and least favorite? Favorite = prior to knee issues, back squat Currently- ???? Least favorite= snatch

7. What impact has CrossFit had in your life in and out of the gym? CrossFit has made me realize that I can accomplish a lot more than I ever thought possible. I feel like I can do almost anything in life now that I can CrossFit and not die.

8. What are your goals and close to reaching them are you? I had a checklist when I first started CrossFit. Once I started having knee issues, the checklist has fallen by the wayside. Right now, my goal is to keep going back and to keep doing everything I physically can.

9. When you’re not crossfitting, what is your favorite thing to do? Matagorda with my family and friends

10. The one tip you could give someone that is thinking about starting CrossFit or has just started. Don’t stop. Keep moving. It doesn’t matter if you are the slowest or using the smallest amount of weight. Just don’t stop and don’t give up because you WILL get there. It’s a process and it’s not a fast one, but it’s worth it.

11. What is your diet like? Has it changed since you started CrossFit? I try to eat low Carb during the week, no alcohol during the week either. The weekends are more free for me. I thought I was eating pretty “healthy” when I started working out but my body didn’t like working out in the evenings with the stuff I was eating. It’s definitely changed. I make sure I have a nice clean meal for lunch each day or I’ll be hurting for an evening workout!

12. Results! Tell us about your results. I can do REAL pushups. I can lift heavier than I was a year and a half ago. I feel that my self confidence has increased immensely. My upper body strength has drastically improved since I started. I have lost fat and gained muscle without any drastic weight change.

Freewrite: When I was requested to fill out these questions to be athlete of the month for April, my heart sank. I’ve been in a funk for the last week or so. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about me or anything regarding my life. Nothing bad has happened, I’m just in a funk.

I cried for the FIRST time ever at CrossFit last week. I’ve come close, but it happened after 19.5. I just wanted to finish that workout before the time cap and I was TWELVE reps away and it pissed me off. I was so mad at myself and cried and wanted to walk away and never come back. I didn’t want to be the athlete of the month because I feel like a failure right now. I feel like I failed myself on that workout. Mind you, I did a bazillion thrusters with a totally messed up knee and never stopped.... but all I see is what I didn’t do. As an athlete, as a mom, as a woman... I have to realize there will be set backs and failures and the main thing is to keep going. Don’t give up. No matter what the situation is, keep going and don’t stop and it will eventually all come together. I’m not great with words and not sure how to tie this all together but I was super morbidly obese MOST of my life. I had lap band surgery in 2005, 6 months after Madison was born and I started working out then. I was 365 lbs and still look in the mirror most days and see that girl. Working out has been my sanity. CrossFit has become an addiction. Even tho I wanted to walk away Friday, I didn’t and I won’t. My family there at CrossFit 1710 won’t let me, I won’t let me and I’m sure my kids and boyfriend wouldn’t let me. Anyone looking in from the outside at the life of a CrossFitter... you may think we are crazy and you may think you can’t do it, but you can. We may be nuts and part of a really amazing cult.... but I cannot imagine life without the amazing group of people that I get to sweat with, cuss with, nearly die with and share life with!

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